We're so glad you're here! To welcome you to OSU and SWE we made an all-encompassing guide for everything you could ever need this semester. This section contains the following topics:
Transitioning to College
College is a new exciting chapter in your life and it will give you countless new memories, experiences, and skills. However, it's not always going to be easy and it's going to require a lot of focus, determination, and hard work. In order to make your transition to college a bit smoother, SWE wants to introduce you to the not-so-fun things past and current students have had to overcome.
Adjusting is not going to be easy. Being away from loved ones is hard on its own, but having it paired with navigating college and learning new skills makes it very difficult. It can be easy to get stressed out and feel lonely. In this time, patience and kindness towards yourself are key, as you figure out everything. Especially if you're an out-of-state or international student. Try to remain in good spirits as you overcome these bumps and stay excited for everything in store for your college career!
"The college experience" is different for everyone and there's no right or wrong way; so do what makes YOU happy and run with it! Take this time to really understand yourself. Your major, friends, and mindset may all change as you go through your college experience, and that's absolutely okay. Always be open to the new opportunities and new ideas that will present themselves to you, during your time here at OSU. You are here to grow and change is a crucial part of growth, so embrace the changes and buckle up for the ride. You're in control now!
New experiences and opportunities will be everywhere, but you get to choose what you're going to do. It's completely okay to say "no" to things! Life needs balance; finding and keeping that balance can be hard but it's vital in creating a healthy lifestyle. Time management is like a muscle– you have to be intentional about working on it, and it will eventually come naturally.
College is going to be different than what you're used to. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Reach out to your instructor or TA if you need help understanding the material. It can definitely seem daunting at first, but they're there to help you learn the material and do your best. Keep in mind, just because you might have done well in certain classes in high school does not mean they’ll be a breeze here, so reach out whenever you need to!
Now is the perfect time to start creating connections with the people around you. Friends make the college experience more fun and easier to manage. Don't try to push through your classes alone– talk to the people around you! SWE is a great way to find new friends. Step out of your comfort zone and, you'll be able to connect with people you’d never expect to find.
If you don't get into your major on the first try that's okay. Most majors allow people to apply twice, so re-evaluate your priorities and identify what you can work on. It’s also always great to have a backup major; being openminded and exploring different disciplines can lead to finding a passion you didn’t know you had!
Get involved in campus organizations! It's a surefire way of making connections and long-lasting friendships, even if you're a commuter or a fully online student. Find the organizations that speak to you (there's practically a club for everything) and attend the club meetings and events. If you get overwhelmed with the demand, find one org you love and grow vertically in it; apply for chairs and positions if you want to get more involved. Having these relationships will allow you to find the people who will let you be the most authentic version of yourself and make college a lot more enjoyable.
Along with everything else, you might have to face some health challenges, whether that be learning how to cope with mental health issues, or being homesick. We’re fortunate enough to have the Wilce Health Center and the Wexner Medical Center for any physical health issues you may have. Regarding mental health, we have the Career and Consultation Services (CCS) and therapy services available to OSU students. There’s also a Student Wellness Center available in the RPAC with classes and coaching revolving around holistic wellness. It’s important now more than ever to take care of your mental health, and we want you to do whatever possible to feel like your best, healthiest self. For more health and wellness resources, check out our wellness page, which contains resources for all health aspects.
Why SWE?
Engineering isn't easy and being a woman in a male-dominated field, like engineering is even more difficult. Luckily, SWE is a community of girls (and boys, shoutout to our HeForSWE) who share similar interests and passions as you. SWE's goal is to support women in engineering in ALL aspects of their college careers. So, whatever you need or are looking for, we have it! SWE offers a variety of resources including professional development, social activities, volunteering opportunities, a mentorship program, and much more!
SWE Slack
Slack allows SWE members to connect through various interests. For example, there is a monthly meeting channel, a fitness channel, a commuter channel, and many more! These channels allow members to converse with each other easily.
SWE Website
THE place to find anything and everything SWE, complete with an ally database, the history of OSU SWE, and a Google calendar with all our events.
SWE Marketplace
A Facebook group, made especially for SWE members to sell and trade things like textbooks, room decor, clothes, etc...
Chair and Officer Positions
Gain leadership experience and become more involved in the organization through officer and chair positions. While you do have to be a Societal SWE member to be an officer, there are special chair positions catered to freshmen, such as the Freshman Ambassadors Program.
Big-Little Program
A mentorship program where members get paired into a SWE family, to learn from each other and develop their friendship!
Professional Support and Conference
SWE travels to conferences twice a year, which are filled with opportunities to bond as a section, attend professional events, and learn about national SWE.
SWE also helps its members to prepare professionally through events with companies, resume reviews, and more!
IV. Join Societal SWE
While SWE offers so many resources to general; members, we recommend becoming a societal member to get the most out of SWE. Being a part of societal SWE allows you to run for officer positions, apply for scholarships, attend conferences,s and more! The three types of memberships are discussed below.
To get started click the "Become a member!" button below to go to SWE's website. Select the "join" option, click the "Sign up here" link, and fill in the information to complete the process. OSU SWE Society Code: G059

Collegiate to Career (C2C)
For a one-time $50 payment, collegiate members can obtain a SWE membership for their collegiate years through the first year they qualify for professional grade membership. C2C is beneficial to students with two or more years of schooling left. This is typically the recommended membership to our new SWE members here at Ohio State– it’s the best bang for your buck!
SWE Membership is available for $20 to college students majoring in engineering. No application fee is required. To be eligible, you must be a college student and not employed full-time in engineering.
This option allows you to join SWE and one of the following three professional organizations for a reduced rate: The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), or the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). (Only available April 15-December 31)